25 April 2009

Kek Lok See UNESCO Heritage City?

Billboard ini terletak di Jalan Simpang “T” di antara Jalan Kebun Bunga, Jalan Utama dan Jalan Gotlieb (bertentangan dengan Kuil Hindu).

Saya tidak pasti adakah "Kek Lok See" yang terletak di Ayer Itam merupakan tempat yang diiktirafkan oleh UNESCO sebagai "UNESCO World Heritage City" ?

Apa yang saya faham UNESCO World Heritage City hanya di kawasan Bandar Georgetown sahaja….. tapi ….

06 April 2009

Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Boleh!!

This truly is a real classic

Envelope sent by LHDN (Inland Revenue Board), a True story...A taxpayer called up the LHDN (Inland Revenue Board) in Terengganu, and asked for Form B.

The LHDN clerk who answered the call asked for the address to send the form to.

The conversation goes:

LHDN CLERK: Boleh bagi alamat encik? (Can you give me your address?)

TAXPAYER: Ok, hantar ke Ranhill Worley. (Send to Ranhill Worley)

LHDN CLERK: Apa Ranhill? ...... eja macam mana? (err... How to spell Ranhill?)

TAXPAYER: R.. for Rumah... A for Ayam (Chicken).. N for Nangka (Jackfruit)... H for Holland (country) ... I for itik (Duck)... L for lain- lain (Others)....'

LHDN CLERK: Ok.. nanti kami hantar ke alamat itu (OK, we will send to that address..)

After waiting for a week, the form arrived - have a look at the address on the envelope !!!






